Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Which Kapamilya teleserye princess are you?

Maya, Maria Mercedes, Galema and Chichay
If you are sexy and independent…
Maria Mercedes
Then you can probably relate to Maria Mercedes Alegre-del Olmo the most. This simple girl proved that even if you come from the most humble beginnings, you can still reach your dreams if you are focused and determined. Maria Mercedes will fight for what she thinks is right and will do almost anything for love. But even if she is loved, she is not afraid to be alone because she is also a modern-day independent woman.

If you are loving and family-oriented…
Then you are most like Maya dela Rosa from Be Careful with My Heart. Lovable and forever positive, Maya always likes to see the brighter side of things. This caring and honest woman proves that love does not only extend to blood relatives, but to her bigger extended family as well. Maya is also responsible, ambitious, but still remains sympathetic and helpful to everyone around her. She is the perfect example of why Pinoy hospitality can’t be denied and a lot can be achieved with “kapit-bisig!”

If you are mysterious and passionate…
Then you can relate to Galema Castillo, daughter of legendary Filipino comic character Zuma. Although Galema inherited her father’s curse, she still chooses to side with what is good and remain loving and loyal to her family. She is also a good example of how it is okay to stand out and be different even if some people can’t understand and accept you for what you are. Galema wants to be loved, but will not compromise her true character just to please others. She will sacrifice her own priorities for the sake of her own family. 

If you are wholesome and sweet…
Then you are probably an optimist like Chichay Tampipi of Got to Believe. The happy-go-lucky teen is not all about fun as she also knows the value of hard work and respecting her parents. This kind of beauty knows that she doesn’t have to be materialistic in order to stand out from the crowd. Which is also why she is the apple of Joaquin Manansala’s eye. Chichay knows that at a young age, she should value her studies and family first but she is also a caring and loyal friend to the people around her.

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