Monday, January 6, 2014

Will Toni leave showbiz when she gets married?

Toni Gonzaga said she still does not know if she will let showbiz take a back seat should she finally decide to tie the knot.
toni gonzaga
“I do not know. I cannot answer that now,” the television host briefly said in an interview with “Buzz ng Bayan” which was aired on Sunday.

While she sees herself settling down in the future, Gonzaga said her younger sister, host Alex Gonzaga, is not yet keen on the idea.

“Si Alex ang hindi ready. Sinabi niya 'yun sa akin na, ‘Ate hindi ako ready na i-let go ka kasi wala na akong kausap sa gabi.’ Dalawa lang kami eh,” she said.

Her parents, however, have always been supportive of her future plans.

“Oo, tingin ko they are ready. They have always been ready. The family is ready,” she said.

Gonzaga and her boyfriend of six years, director Paul Soriano, have been vocal about their plans to spend the rest of their lives with each other.

The host-actress even said in jest that she will marry Soriano if his movie, "Transit," wins in this year's Academy Awards.

In a previous interview, Soriano said he is planning to propose to Gonzaga “when she least expects it.”

“She’s 30 in January so keep your cameras on, it’s happening very soon,” he said.


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